Everybody Loves Arlen Specter
Coming up tonight on Everybody Loves Arlen!
Arlen Specter: C'mon, you guys. Give it back.Vice President Cheney: Give what back?Arlen: You know darn well what. My lollipop.Cheney: We don't have your lollipop, do we, fellas?Gonzales, Bush, Rove: Nah. No. Never seen it. Hehhehheh.Specter: You grabbed it from me and threw it in that goddam drawer. Now what do I hafta do to get it back?Cheney: You mean...this lollipop?Gonzales, Rove, Bush: Ooooooooh....Cheney: This succulent, artificially flavored, cherry, Charms BlowPopTM?Arlen: That's it. That's the one. You know it is, dammit.Bush: Well I s'pose you could, uh, make that whole NSA thing go away. Make up some bullshit about how FISA court approval's more of a "tradition" than a law.Gonzales: Tell `em we'll start following the law we should have been following all along. But didn't. And only if we feel like it. But don't say that. I think.Cheney: Al, shut up.Rove: Just tell everyone it's all under control.Arlen: Good gravy, I'll do what you want. Now give it here.Cheney: Go on, Mr. President...give him his lollipop.Bush: Sorry, Dick... I kinda ate it.Cheney, Gonzales, Rove: Uhhhhhhnnnnn???Arlen: No deal, then!Bush: Ding dong! Fooled ya! Hehhehheh...Arlen, you was goin' nukular!Arlen: Why you little... Heh. I love you guys.
Tonight at 9! Sponsored by the Republican-controlled Congress. When America absolutely positively has to be screwed up overnight.
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