Friday, July 14, 2006

IL-Gov: Is Blago pulling away?

Rasmussen. 7/6. Likely voters. MoE 4.5% (4/8 results)
Blagojevich (D) 45 (38)Topinka (R) 34 (44)
Huge turnaround. While Blago may be unliked and corrupt, even that might not be enough to hand the governor's seat to Republicans, not matter how much voters might flirt with Topinka (the only statewide elected Republican in the state). That's how far in the dumps Illinois Republicans are in.
The Blagojevich campaign has run an advertising campaign raising the question "What is She Thinking?" about Topinka and touching on issues ranging from the state budget to Iraq. The Blagojevich campaign has also raised complaints about lease payments by Topinka to a developer who is also a contributor. A better job performance in the state may also have something to do with the turnabout.


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