Sunday, March 26, 2006

Iraq police find 30 corpses, most beheaded

"Police found 30 corpses, most beheaded, near a village north of the capital Sunday night, in the latest wave of sectarian killings engulfing Iraq. At least 16 people were killed during a clash involving U.S. forces at a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.
Elsewhere in the capital, American troops raided an Interior Ministry building on Sunday and briefly detained about 10 Iraqi policemen after discovering 17 Sudanese prisoners in the facility, Iraqi authorities said.
The short-lived raid was reminiscent of a U.S. raid last November that found detainees apparently tortured, but in this case the Americans quickly determined the Sudanese were being legitimately held and had not been abused, said Maj. Gen. Ali Ghalib, a deputy interior minister. The U.S. military command here had no immediate comment on the report".
The war is going great! Victory is near, the people of Iraq are free! Saddam Hussein is on trial, and he will soon be convicted.
Same old rhetoric, nothing has changed.
Reality sucks, doesn't it?
Condoleezza Rice on Meet the Press: "I think it's entirely probable that we will see a significant drawdown of American forces over the next year. ... It's all dependent on events on the ground.


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