Thursday, April 06, 2006

A Political Storm is Coming

With Rep. Tom DeLay's (R-TX) resignation, USA Today asks, "Is a tidal wave gathering?"
"Three of the five key ingredients of the 1994 turnaround are in place,including broad public dissatisfaction with the direction of the country, dismalapproval ratings for the president and the taint of scandal in Congress. Butthere are differences, too: The number of competitive House districts is muchsmaller than 12 years ago, and the opposition party has yet to articulate aunified, positive message."

Charlie Cook has the most ominous quote: "We know that there's a hurricane coming, and it's going to hit the Republicans in November. We're just trying to figure out how big this thing is."

The Wall Street Journal: "In 1994, powerful Democrats didn't respond to signs that their party had lost touch, and as a consequence lost control of the House that year to Republicans. It is unclear whether House Republicans are moving aggressively to head off similar political currents in an election year."


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